Bad Drinks, Salt From A Stranger, And A Big Boat
35th state: Virginia. Norfolk is where we landed, and we did so in enough time to head out for some nightlife. Tom, the first officer, led the way to a bar where they were having a bartending competition. Word was that there were bartenders present from three states, so for a moment it seemed like there was gonna be a good show. That moment lasted until the competition started. The task at hand was a margarita, and although there were certain conditions to fulfill, there was a lot of freedom allowed... and it was mostly ignored by drunk bartender girls whose big move was to lick the glass to put on the salt and steal a shot of tequila from the bottle. Every other contestant accidentally threw the shaker across the room and had to strain the ice with their hands. It was an expertise-free show, but it was entertaining.
Next day I went exploring. The captain, Jeri, was originally from Norfolk, and so she pointed me towards downtown. Lots of construction, lots of old-style buildings. Some parts of it looked a little like New Orleans. Found a mall, and was acosted by an Israeli girl who put Dead Sea salt on my hands at a booth. A little awkward having a stranger play with your hands, but man were my hands smooth after that. Good thing I live by a big salty lake.
Further down I found a big gray boat. Turned out to be the USS Wisconsin, and it was right outside the Hampton Roads Naval Museum. I didn't have time to go in, but that's on the list for next time.
And in case you didn't catch it, yes, I was flying with Tom and Jeri.
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