Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Late Stock Two-Step

After you're done serving folk, you have to restock the cart, or when you go to serve more folk, there's nothing to serve them. During longer flights, this is never a problem. But on 40 minute flights, it's always an amusing experience to get things finished in time to get strapped back into the plane for landing. You end up doing what I've come to call 'The Late Stock Two-Step,' which is where you crouch down to throw three cans of something into the cart, stand halfway up to look out of the galley service door window to see if you're anywhere near the ground yet, and then repeat as needed until a) you're done, or b) you have to sit down and leave your galley a wreck.
This one isn't so much funny to read about as it is to watch someone do. But if you close your eyes right now and imagine me bouncing up and down in restrained panic, my eyes stinging from the alternating light of outside and dark of the galley, and my thighs on fire from having to maintain quarter and half flex, I bet you'll at least chuckle. One of you might even guffaw.


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