Monday, December 04, 2006

A Cool Thing I Can't At All Show You

Now that it's snowing in Utah, it's also snowing in parts north of Utah. Idaho is a part north of Utah. And since Boise is in Idaho, and that's where I flew tonight, it follows that we flew over some snow. And it was a full moon out tonight, which made things below look like a rumpled blue-white carpet that stretched as far as I could see (pressed like an idiot up against that galley service door window). That may not sound like much in words, but if you ever get the chance to put plane, snow, and full moon together, I recommend it. It is an awesome sight.
But it totally thwarts all attempts at capturing it photographically. I could have posted the ten or so shots I took, but you've all seen black squares before. Oh, lament.


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