Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Carbonated Racial Profiling

I have discovered that certain kinds of people go for certain kinds of beverages, and at the risk of being labeled politically incorrect, I will now enlighten you:
I thought diet drinks would be favored by larger folk who wanted to, well, diet. Sometimes this holds, though most of the time, these folk understand that opting for the diet version of something that's one hundred percent sugar is just silly. Hemlock light, please, I'm watching my vitality. But it's the yuppie people that go for diet stuff, and kids, and sometimes yuppie kids. People whose metabolisms are already skimming along right where they oughtta be. But before I denounce that as ridiculous, I will first concede that it's working. Maintenance, rather than a cure. We move on.
Foreign types dig orange juice. Lots of times, if their English is a quart low and I don't understand what they said, I'll just make an orange juice and they join me in a smile-and-nod.
My precious few black folk out here like ginger ale. And since it's Canada Dry brand, all the Canadians do too. I'm not even sure what ginger ale is. What the hell is that?
If you want Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper, you're from the South.
If you want lime, you're from California.
And a thing I've noticed that's less a preference and more of a trait: if there is an old married couple and the man is on the aisle, and they both order the same thing, and I serve the man first, he will invariably pass the drink to the woman. They don't make 'em like they used to, I guess.


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