Adventures In The Front Office
It was like watching someone color with an ice crayon. I marvelled at that for a while, and then had to go back and put some drinks into passengers.
A few flights later, the pilots called me and said there was something I had to come up and see:
Another thing you can't explain in words or express in digital photography. Seeing a sunset is one thing, but being up high enough to see the entire seventeen miles of sunset is an entire other thing. I don't know if you've ever sat and watched the sun set, but it only takes about 60 seconds for it to disappear completely, and so I mentioned how lucky it was that I happened to be free to watch at that exact moment. The pilots laughed, saying that it had been setting for two hours; they had been chasing this sunset the entire flight.
I'm telling you, you guys are missing it back there.
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