Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hell Week - Part Two

It's actually Hell Day. Final exam is tomorrow. Time to regurgitate everything we've crammed in here for the last however long we've been here. Aircraft configuration. Emergency Procedure. First Aid. Evacuation. Announcements. Security. That stupid cart. This are the things that stand between us and our wings, and they stand there starting tomorrow at nine AM sharp. Tonight, we gird our loins for battle.
The actual written test, we've been told, is on a computer. There are those of us who are worried about that part. And the announcement test is fairly simple... we stand and deliver all six main announcements (each about a page long) to a fearsome and ravenous instructor, and then spout three more, chosen at random by said instructor, from a bank of about twenty. There are those who are worried about that part.
Me? I'm not worried about either. Then again, it's been said that my calm demeanor springs from my not being smart enough to understand the fix I'm in. There's a grace in that somewhere, I'm sure.
More tomorrow, as it happens.

P.S. Gird is a word. Look it up.


Blogger Infotrix said...

Good luck thar Phil. We are all rootin for you - so we can get extra peanuts next time we fly! By the way - have they shown you where they keep all the parachutes for everyone? LOL - Drink!

6:35 AM  

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