Thursday, August 17, 2006

Manual Labor

We got our flight manuals today. I didn't know this, and neither did you, but all flight crew have to have a manual with them, within reach, at all times. Every flight attendant you've ever seen has had one near them. See, the big nasty FAA (who, we're told, all look like Agent Smith) can waltz up to you at any time and demand to see it, and if you can't produce it, or if you can and it's missing a page, or the pages are out of order, they can fine you up to $1,100. Not your company, you.
So, crap.

It's a big manual, too. It's fist-thick, and comes in a small bag that looks like a purse. Yay. The plan is to go through it section by section, and take tests on the sections daily. We took our first test today and I am happy to announce that I passed. A few of us didn't and have to take retests in the AM. If they don't make it this time, they leave the island.
Again, crap.


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