So we just finished the first of the hard parts. We fly three kinds of winged objects here, and they took us onboard all three (counting different versions, like seven) planes and showed us around, and then tested us
severely on the contents. I could tell you full avionic nomenclature for numerous mechanical systems, or copious amounts of safety equipment locations,
or what's in Compartment #204, but what I think you
really want to hear about is the pilot's oxygen mask. See, the regular passenger gets the standard substandard yellow plastic dixie cup with the baggie. The oxygen is still primo quality, lest I get fired prematurely for not disclosing, but the mask is pretty low rent. But if you're up in the flight deck, you get the cool form fitted one that Mav and Goose wear. It's got a kind of nylon-spandex inflatable harness that blows up and expands way open when you pinch the nose buttons, and then sucks back in when you let them go, form-fitting to your head. The coolest thing I've touched this year, no exception.
We lost one of us during the last three days of constant battery. Constantly reminded of the penalties of the misstep.
If the dinky yellow masks weren't selected for penny-pinching reasons, then I'm sure it was for legal ones. As in. . ."Well if they pass out during the emergency/crash landing, there should be fewer Post Traumatic Stress lawsuits". Ignorance is bliss, right?
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